XXVII Jornadas Argentinas de Mastozoología

We actively participated in the «XXVII Jornadas Argentinas de Mastozoología» conducted in Esquel, Chubut province, Argentina (Nov. 2014). In this instance, we presented a set of researches focusing on evolutionary history of south american sigmodontinae rodents.
Dr. Rodríguez-Serrano made a talk entitled:«NUEVAS ALTERNATIVAS A HIPÓTESIS CLÁSICAS: ¿RADIACIÓN ADAPTATIVA O RADIACIÓN GEOGRÁFICA DE LOS SIGMODONTINOS?». A work that was a research unit of the Doctorado en Sistemática & Biodiversidad, made by J. Avaria-Llautureo with Dr. Rodríguez-Serrano and Dr. Hernández as advisors. The paper will be published soon.

Oscar Inostroza-Michael made a talk entitled «OROGENESIS ANDINA Y LA DIVERSIFICACIÓN DE LA TRIBU PHYLLOTINI (RODENTIA: SIGMODONTINAE) EN SUDAMÉRICA». That was a research unit of the Doctorado en Sistemática & Biodiversidad, made by Inostroza-Michael with Dr. Rodríguez-Serrrano and Dr. Hernández as advisors. The study was submitted to Journal of Biogeography.
Finally, Oriet Alarcón presented the work entitled «ORIGEN Y EVOLUCIÓN DE LOS RASGOS ECOMORFOLÓGICOS EN AKODONTINI (RODENTIA, SIGMODONTINAE)». A Research unit of the Doctorado en Sistemática y Biodiversidad, made by Oriet Alarcón with Dr. Rodríguez-Serrano as advisor. The paper will be published soon.

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